Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Hate Sandwich Behind the Family Research Council Attack

As Paul Bedard reports, new information emerges about the man who entered the DC offices of the Family Research Council and opened fire ? a man who would have taken many more lives if the guard had not heroically stopped him:

Floyd Lee Corkins II?pleaded guilty?to three charges including a charge of committing an act of terrorism related to the August 15, 2012 injuring of FRC?s guard. He told the FBI that he wanted to kill anti-gay targets and went to the law center?s website for ideas.

At a court hearing where his comments to the FBI were revealed, he said that he intended to ?kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in victims? faces, and kill the guard.? The shooting occurred after an executive with Chick-Fil-A announced his opposition to same-sex marriage.

Read the rest ? including some choice words from FRC President Tony Perkins for the Southern Poverty Law Center.


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