Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Mission Field of Motherhood

by Heather on July 16, 2012

Missions has been in my heart for along time.? I grew up in the Philippines and even still my heart longs to go into all the world to share the good news of the kingdom of God.? It wasn?t long into my mothering career that I discovered that motherhood is its own mission field.? No, you don?t book travel to?a 3rd world country to share the gospel.? You share the gospel at the kitchen table in the mornings and at night as you tuck your sweeties into bed.? Motherhood is divine calling, one that is often dispised in our culture.

mom and child The Mission Field of Motherhood

We are called to be counter-cultural.? We are called to be in the world and not of it.? We are called to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth and the best way to do it as mothers is rasing our children with a kingdom mindset.? Many times the Lord has reminded me that there is much glory in the mundane tasks of motherhood.? But our attitudes have to be right.? I was reminded again of how important my call as a mother is as I began reading? Zan Tyler?s Book 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child?s Potential.? In the introduction?she says,

Today?s family has been hit hard and damaged by the powerful force of the culture war that has been raging in our country for several decades.? YET God remians undaunted.? He is not afraid.? He created the home.? He designed it and emopwered it to accomplish things that the institutions of men cannot.

How true is this?not just the part of what our culture seems to be doing in the natural relm, BUT that God is not scared or fearful or undaunted!!? The home and family is His plan.? Even when our culture makes us feel that what we do as mothers and families is insignificant, our God says NO!? The home, family, motherhood was God?s plan from the beginning and it hasn?t changed.

I want to encourage you sweet momma?s, your calling as wife and mother is of the utmost importance because as you are seeking after the face of God and bringing your children into relationship with Him, you are raising world changers, you are raising an army that will storm the gates of Hell and these children will prevail!? So as you are cleaning up spilt milk, doing the 10th load of laundry in one day, making somthing for your?family to eat for dinner, sitting down to read that story, or?praying before bedtime.? What you are doing does not go unnoticed by the ONE who created you to walk this journey of motherhood!? Carry on, beloved.? Your reward will be great!


Source: http://www.fithomeschoolmom.com/mission-field-of-motherhood

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