Monday, July 23, 2012

Bootleggers Being Shut Down by Little Rock Mayor

The city of Little Rock asking a judge to shut down what they call a "speak-easy" and fine the homeowners for illegally selling alcohol.

Mayor Mark Stodola said, "We want to be very aggressive and make sure these things get nipped in the bud."

He said they had no choice but to file a lawsuit for Lessie Smith. He has been cited more than half a dozen times for selling alcohol without a license from his home, often on Sundays.

It's all a part the mayor says, of their aggressive campaign to get rid of nuisance properties and make safer neighborhoods.

Dewayne Turner said, "I have never known any one get shot over here, beat up over here or taken advantage of over here."

Lessie Smith says he plans to fight the lawsuit in court, so far no hearings on it have been scheduled.


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