Thursday, December 29, 2011

Google News Disapproval Of Taylor Swift

Taylor SwiftThere are very few people who dislike the popular musician, Taylor Swift.

But for some reason, there is this weird Google News glitch that makes you feel Google dislikes her and her work.

There are many reports of this bug in the Google News Help forum.

The issue is when you see the musicians name come up in the left side bar on Google News and click on it, it doesn't take you to the news about Taylor Swift. Instead you are taken to the general top news and not the top news around Taylor Swift.

Google News Taylor Swift Bug

It is a weird bug, which Google said they would look into. Eric from Google said, "Our team has been made aware of this issue and is working on solving it. Thanks for letting us know!"

The thing is, we know Google likes Taylor Swift. She was a guest speaker at the GooglePlex earlier this year. So this is some weird odd bug that Google will hopefully fix soon.

Forum discussion at Google News Help.

Image credit to ShutterStock for Taylor Swift photo.


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