Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Top Home Staging Tips for Edmonton Sellers - Terry Paranych

Benefits of Home StagingPreparing your home for selling in the Edmonton real estate market can be a stressful task, and the last thing any seller wants is to have their home sit on the market for months. The longer it takes your home to sell, the lower the price you?ll get for it. And then there?s also the hassle of keeping your home ready to show all the time without end!

This is where home staging can help. When you?re preparing to list your Edmonton home for sale, you?ve got to take a step back and look at your house as a product for sale with a critical eye. Our homes become deeply personal to us the longer we live there, but once you?ve made the decisions to sell it?s important to disconnect the property you?re trying to sell from the memories you?ve created there.

Home staging is the process of ?merchandising? your home to showcase its features, minimize its weaknesses, and appeal to a wider target home buyer profile. Staged homes almost always sell faster and for more money than unstagged homes of comparable value: isn?t it worth a little more time and money up front to save you ? and your investment ? in the long run?

The secret to home staging is it often doesn?t have to result in thousands of dollars spent in rented furniture and professional decorators. We?ve put together a series of Top Home Staging Tips for Sellers that will get you started.

Benefits of Staging Your Home

  • Staged homes present and show better than competing homes do, including newly built homes.
  • From the date of listing until the day of closing, staged homes almost always shortens the time it takes to successfully sell a property, even in a slower market.
  • Proper staging can increase the number of offers made and up the selling price in a hot market.
  • Buyers view staged listings as ?well maintained? and ?move in? ready.
  • Photos of staged homes look better on the Edmonton MLS System, and almost always pull in more showings.

Stay tuned for more in our Tips for Home Staging series, coming soon.

Tags: Edmonton home sellers, Edmonton Homes, Edmonton Real Estate, edmonton real estate market, home staging

Source: http://blog.paranych.com/2012/08/13/top-home-staging-tips-for-sellers/

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