Monday, February 20, 2012

Hanbuki the Destroyer

I first came up with Hanbuki the Destroyer after watching the last episode of Baki the Grappler, where Yujiro Hanma, the main antagonist, is in his prime. Due to the demon face on his back, Yujiro is invulnerable to everything and has never been defeated in a fight by anyone, though his son Baki can defeat him. I thought, what if there was someone like that, only instead of being evil, he was actually good. So, that gave birth to Daniel Hanbuki AKA Hanbuki the Destroyer. Additionally influence by Legaia 2 and the X-Men helped me round this out. So, here's the introduction I designed for the original RP:

Humanity is not alone on the planet Earth. There are many amazing entities that coexist with them, creating an environment teeming with life. But what happens when an entity rises that is stronger, faster and more durable than the human race? Chaos ensues as the balance of power is shifted. These entities are mysterious, rare and very, very powerful.

They are born like any other member of the highest species, conceived through the unity of a man and a woman. But these people are different and possess abilities beyond even the strongest human. Most of them discover their abilities in childhood, and they have a choice to make. Will they use their powers to help mankind? Or destroy it?

England, 9th century. The feudal system is booming, and the land is divided into kingdoms. The poor are dirty and mistreated, and the rich are vain and gluttonous. A noble king with chivalrous knights is hard to find, and justice for criminals is sorely lacking. But there is a being who exists that will not be subjugated. He will not be controlled. He will not sit back and watch as the rich shower themselves in gold and the suffering of their people. He will act.

It started small. A baron's castle was destroyed overnight. An army in the thousands was killed in one minute. People began to whisper that evil was afoot. Kings began to panic, feeling the heat as this entity drew closer. Some did not believe the tales that a single man had done all of this, as the rumor mill speculated. After all, what man could tear down a castle with his bare hands? What man could destroy an army without sustaining a single scratch? None, but Hanbuki the Destroyer.

The roleplay revolves around a very small cast with only five super-powered beings and three non-super-powered beings. As such, I am delegating it to a one-on-one. I'm mostly looking for a girl, because I need the girl roles to be played with more authenticity than I can RP at this point, but I'll take a guy too if I feel he's right for the role. I can play all the male roles just fine, though. PM me if you're interested. I am literate and creative and promise that you will enjoy yourself.


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