Tuesday, March 19, 2013

YC-Backed CircuitLab Has 70K Monthly Users For Its Browser-Based Electronics Design And Simulation Tool

circuitlab_logo_posCircuitLab is coming up on its one year anniversary, and the startup (now part of Y Combinator's winter 2013 cohort) now boasts 70,000 monthly active users, who run an average of one circuit simulation every six seconds. The phenomenal traction for the electrical-engineering-focused startup has a lot to do with the team offering up a tool that's both free and particularly well-suited to educational use, and it bodes well for CircuitLab's chances of helping early stage hardware startups get off the ground.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/zWrVaRpbfrU/

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