Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pan-African News Wire: Kenya Parliament to Probe Military ...

KENYA: Parliament committees to probe mortified KDF?s inhumanity acts against Somalis in Garissa

By Abdalle Ahmed
Nairobi (RBC)

Members of the Kenyan parliament have today reached Garissa town to launch very sensitive probe up on criminal and inhumanity activities by the Kenyan Defense Forces [KDF] during an operation in the Garissa town this week.

The members of the parliament including the defense committee and the foreign affairs committee were sent to Garissa to launch a full and investigation on all criminal activities committed by the KDF on Monday after killing of three soldiers by unknown assailants in Garissa town.

At least 45 Garissa residents were tortured, eight women raped, more than twenty shops and food stores looted as the whole Suuqa Mugdi market, which is the largest in Garissa was burnt down by the KDF during in Monday operation , officials and eye witnesses confirmed.

?We are here to meet with the different segments of the society here in Garissa,.. first we have to meet with the district officials and then we will visit the hospital where most of the victims were brought? MP Aden Barre who is Garissa said today.

?We are gathering all useful information on this case because what happened here on Monday and on Tuesday was totally unjustifiable.? the MP said. ?It was another Wagala carnage committed by the KDF and we are not sitting to see a third one will happen?.

Meanwhile the Kenyan prime minister Raila Odinga has paid his first visit to the embattled town of Garissa where most of the victims of the KDF?s acts were still demanding full justice to be done.

?The government should compensate for the lose of Garissa traders whom their shops were burned and looted and their girls were raped.? said Farah Mo?alim, the deputy speaker of the Kenyan parliament who is also in Garissa town.

Amina Hassan who lost her shop in Suuq Mudgi and was herself tortured on Monday has called for the impeachment of the Kenyan military officials as a result of the crimes committed by the forces.

?I was here in my shop on Monday when two KDF officers came and begun beating me on the head and the back until I was near to faint. Then they looted my money? they have stolen KSh.400 from my shop? Amina said.

?While I remember how they acted that day [Monday] I feel as I am not a Kenyan citizen even that I was born here and lived for more than 45 years? she added.


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