Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Aughrim ? The Best Place to Live in Ireland

Bright waters meet in the vale that cradles our village. The Ow, the Derry Water, and the Macreddin and Three Wells Brooks form the Aughrim River. Before us lies Croghan Mountain and behind us the sheltering mass of Lugnaquilla. Wicklow granite is the signature building material in a stone-cutter?s village. Local stonecutters built the fabric of the village: forge and mill, town hall and worker?s cottages.

Seat of the county pitch, Aughrim needs no introduction to GAA followers. Sports as diverse as tae kwon do and angling are catered to with clubs and venues. From the white-clad junior martial artists to their white-clad elders on the village bowling green, from the quiet haunts of the angling lakes to the throbbing excitement of a County Final, there is sport and recreation for all.

Our angling lake lies at the heart of the village community park. Purpose-built for disabled access, the National Angling Disabled Facility is well stocked with hard-fighting rainbow trout. The lake is part of a general community area, home to bowling green, village meeting place and community hall, farmer?s market and IT Centre. Children and their parents can enjoy a safe play area in the park, stocked with playground equipment to tire out the most vigorous youngster.

Town planning is thoughtful and sustainable, encouraging growth of the village core while leaving us with uninterrupted views of the Wicklow hills. The development that has taken place in the boom years was completed to a high standard. The scope is sustainable: sufficient to support a sturdy retail sector, vigorous residents groups, and vibrant school and sporting life. We enjoy access to nearby woodland trails such as the Sean Lenihan Way and Ciaran Shannon Way, which both commemorate local people who devoted much time and energy to improving the quality of life in Aughrim and the surrounding town-lands. Sadly, our best loved beauty spots narrowly avoided closure due to recent local government cuts: the battle was won this time but the war is far from over.

The people of Aughrim have thrown themselves with vigour into town competitions such as Tidy Towns and Entente Floreal, winning sheaves of awards including overall National Tidy Towns Champion. The well-filled wall of fame in the community hall is a source of pride, but even more so the sheen of loving care given to the village by many hands.

Information workers can avail of a high-quality broadband service to mix an unspoiled village lifestyle with an Internet-based global economy. The village is well linked to urban access, through routes such as the N11 and the DART at Greystones, giving roughly an hour?s journey time to the capital. Judging by our many visitors ? wedding parties, vintage rallies, walkers, anglers, cyclists and motorcycle enthusiasts ? this ready access is very welcome to those traveling in the opposite direction.

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