Tuesday, February 7, 2012

CULTURE NEWS: Breast Cancer & Abortion = Komen & Planned ...

The rift between the breast cancer charity, The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, and the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, has brought to the fore the politically incorrect causes for the rise in breast cancer rates: abortion and delayed childbirth/breast feeding

For background, read Breast Cancer from Abortion Demonstrated, Again and also read Breast Cancer No Concern at Planned Parenthood as well as God Created Woman to Give Birth and Breast-feed (not abort)

-- From "Susan G. Komen foundation takes steps to rebuild trust after PR fiasco" by Lena H. Sun and Sarah Kliff, Washington Post 2/4/12

Executives of the embattled Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation held conference calls with affiliates Saturday to discuss a new strategy for working with supporters, a first step in rebuilding trust after last week?s public relations fiasco surrounding Komen?s off-then-on-again decision to fund Planned Parenthood.

The foundation reversed course Friday after the overwhelming public reaction to news on Tuesday that Komen was no longer going to fund Planned Parenthood?s breast cancer screening because of a congressional investigation into whether the group was using federal money to pay for abortions. Planned Parenthood is now eligible to apply for grants, Komen said.

Maria Williamson, president of the Komen affiliate in Virginia?s Tidewater region, said [founder Nancy G.] Brinker spoke of her ?deep concern? about the community backlash and the onslaught of media inquiries that deluged Komen offices last week.

Now Komen executives are faced with the task of restoring credibility to one of the strongest brands in the nonprofit world.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Anti-abortion groups cite alleged cancer-abortion link to explain Komen's split with Planned Parenthood" by Judson Berger, FoxNews.com 2/2/12

As the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation faces accusations that it split with Planned Parenthood over political pressure, at least a couple pro-life groups are claiming the organization may have acted out of concern over an alleged link between abortion and breast cancer.

The theory is based on the idea that during pregnancy, the surge in hormones in a woman's body ends up making the breasts more susceptible to cancer as they increase in size. Completing a pregnancy, though, allows what are known as "lobules" in the breast to mature and become more cancer-resistant. According to the theory, having an induced abortion before this stage cuts that process short.

Komen for the Cure's website states that despite debate over the subject, "research clearly shows no link between the two." Komen asserted that position as recently as October 2011 in a brief document on the debate.

Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, said she suspects the link -- as well as the prospect of donations [to Komen] drying up -- played a role in the decision.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Planned Parenthood's funding cut: Does science support abortion-cancer link?" by Loren Grush, FoxNews.com 2/2/12

[Lolita Hanks, nurse practitioner and president of American Right to Life, said] ?Now that the lead National Cancer Institute [NCI] researcher on the abortion/cancer link has reversed herself and warned of abortion as a significant risk factor for breast cancer, the pro-life pressure on Planned Parenthood and Susan G. Komen is increasing.?

Dr. Rachel Wellner, director of breast services at NYEE, Continuum Cancer Center in New York City, said . . . ?From a scientific perspective, pregnancy does change the breast physiology,? Wellner said. ?But this is true for any sentinel event in a woman?s hormonal life, such as puberty, pregnancy, lactation, menopause, etc. So presumably when you stop a pregnancy through abortion, there may be a hormonal change.?

Wellner also added that other studies involving completed pregnancies may indicate that an aborted pregnancy may have some effect on the health of a woman?s breast.

?We know that experiencing pregnancy to its completion appears to be protective against breast cancer,? Wellner said. ?We also know that nulliparity (having no children) or a late onset of a first pregnancy puts women at slightly higher risk of developing breast cancer versus their counterparts who experienced earlier pregnancies. So presumably the changes experienced in an induced abortion may invoke cellular changes that promote risk. So it does make some sense.?

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Women fight breast cancer - and win. Dr. Ernie Bodai shares his thoughts." by Eileen Wilson, Sacramento Press 1/31/12

If you think breast cancer is all around you ? be it a diagnosis, or a friend, neighbor, or loved one who has been diagnosed, you would be right. If it seems like women are developing breast cancer at a younger age than ever, you would be right about that, too.

According to the American Cancer Society, 2011 saw over 13,000 women under the age of 40, who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States. One thousand, one hundred and sixty of them lost their battle with the disease. When women under the age of 50 were included, the number jumped to over 65,000, with more than 5,000 women succumbing. Nationwide, a total of over 280,000 women were diagnosed with new breast cancer cases, and almost 40,000 women died.

The American Cancer Society adds that factors such as delayed childbirth, and having fewer children, as well as climbing rates of obesity and menopausal hormone use may be factors as well.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Komen Still Doesn?t Acknowledge Abortion-Breast Cancer Link" by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com 2/1/12

Malec says ?Planned Parenthood is a primary cause of the breast cancer epidemic. It sells cancer-causing abortions and oral contraceptives.?

?Medical texts reveal that increased childbearing, especially starting early before age 24, substantially reduces lifetime breast cancer risk. Abortion not only deprives women of this protection, but 52 of 68 epidemiological studies show it raises breast cancer risk,? Malec explained. ?Komen and the Institute of Medicine had an opportunity to reduce the incidence of breast cancer with its December 2011 study, ?Breast Cancer and the Environment,? but they chose not to review reproductive risk factors and include avoidance of abortion and oral contraceptives among the ways to prevent the disease. We sincerely hope Komen will develop the political courage needed to fulfill its mission.?

The abortion-breast cancer link and the impact it has had is substantial, according to Professor Joel Brind, an endocrinologist at Baruch College in New York, who worked with several scientists on a 1996 paper published in the Journal of Epidemiol Community Health showing a ?30% greater chance of developing breast cancer? for women who have induced abortions. Brind says abortion has caused at least 300,000 cases of breast cancer causing a woman?s death since the Supreme Court allowed virtually unlimited abortion in its 1973 case.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Komen Decision Exposes Planned Parenthood, Abortion-Breast Cancer" by Gerard Nadal, Ph.D., LifeNews.com 2/3/12

. . . The sunlight began to pierce the darkness back in 2007, when Dorinda Bordlee, Vice President and Senior Counsel of the Bioethics Defense Fund met Eve Sanchez Silver who told her about her about the Komen-Planned Parenthood funding link. Silver, a breast cancer survivor and charter member of Komen?s Hispanic/Latina Advisory Council, resigned from Komen, stating,

As a Christian and life affirming citizen I can not reconcile the Foundation?s decision to affirm life with one hand and support its destruction with the other.
Bordlee began to research Komen?s grant database to confirm Silver?s claims.

It was discovered that Komen Founder, Nancy Brinker (Susan Komen?s sister), sat on the board of Planned Parenthood in North Texas. Jill Stanek wrote two great articles about the links between Komen and PP.

At the heart of the matter lies three essential issues regarding the deplorable decision by Komen to fund PP:

1. The causal link between breast cancer and abortion (ABC link).
2. The causal link between breast cancer and oral contraceptives.
3. The fact that Planned Parenthood does NOT do mammograms.
To read the entire opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

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Source: http://culturecampaign.blogspot.com/2012/02/breast-cancer-abortion-komen-planned.html

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