Monday, October 29, 2012

Massive storm wreaks havoc on presidential race

CELINA, Ohio (AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama frantically sought to close the deal with voters with precious few days left in an incredibly close race as this year's October surprise ? an unprecedented storm menacing the East Coast ? wreaked havoc on their best-laid plans.

Ever mindful of his narrow path to the requisite 270 electoral votes, Romney looked to expand his map, weighing an intensified effort in traditionally left-leaning Minnesota. Obama sought to defend historically Democratic turf as the race tightened heading into the final week.

Wary of being seen as putting their political pursuits ahead of public safety, the two White House hopefuls reshuffled their campaign plans as the storm approached. Both candidates were loath to forfeit face time with voters in battleground states like Virginia that are likely to be afflicted when Hurricane Sandy, a winter storm and a cold front collide to form a freak hybrid storm.

"The storm will throw havoc into the race," said Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

Obama, preparing to depart for Florida Sunday, a day early to beat the storm, got an update from disaster relief officials before speaking by phone to affected governors and mayors.

"Anything they need, we will be there," Obama said. "And we are going to cut through red tape. We are not going to get bogged down with a lot of rules. We want to make sure that we are anticipating and leaning forward."

An opportunity for Obama to demonstrate steady leadership in the face of crisis was offset by the risk that the federal government, as in past emergencies, could be faulted for an ineffective response, with the president left to take the fall.

Obama canceled campaign stops Monday in Virginia and Tuesday in Colorado to monitor the storm but planned to go forward with other events Monday in Florida and Ohio, with former President Bill Clinton at his side. He planned to return to Ohio on Wednesday with stops in Cincinnati and Akron, followed by a Thursday swing through Springfield, Ohio, Boulder, Colo., and Las Vegas.

Romney nixed three stops in up-for-grabs Virginia on Sunday, opting instead to campaign with running mate Paul Ryan in Ohio before heading Monday to Wisconsin, where Romney has chipped away at Obama's lead.

"I know that right now some people in the country are a little nervous about a storm about to hit the coast, and our thoughts and prayers are with people who will find themselves in harm's way," Romney told several hundred supporters crowded into a field house at the University of Findlay, the second of three Sunday rallies.

Romney's campaign confirmed Sunday that he would not travel to New Hampshire on Tuesday as planned. The campaign already canceled a Monday event in New Hampshire featuring Romney's wife, Ann. Advisers say further travel changes are likely as they monitor the storm's progress.

Vice President Joe Biden canceled a Monday event in New Hampshire. "The last thing the president and I want to do is get in the way of anything. The most important thing is health and safety," Biden said.

Ryan planned to keep his campaign schedule. On Monday he is leaving Ohio at midday for three stops in Florida. His Tuesday schedule has Ryan going to Virginia, and aides said nothing had yet changed.

The prospect that bad weather could hinder early voting and get-out-the-vote efforts is vexing to both Obama and Romney.

"Obviously, we want unfettered access to the polls, because we think the more people that come out, the better we're going to do," said David Axelrod, a top adviser to Obama's campaign. "To the extent that it makes it harder, that's a source of concern."

In Virginia, one of the most competitive states in the race, election officials eased absentee voting requirements for those affected by the storm.

"The state board of elections is already planning for extended hours in advance for absentee voting, and it's now a priority, moved up to the same level as hospitals and police stations to have power restored," said Gov. Bob McDonnell, a top Romney ally.

Getting voters to the polls ? whether early or on Election Day ? is one of the few elements of the race still in the candidates' control. Although Romney and Obama are in a close contest for the popular vote, the president continues to have the upper hand in the most contested states.

Reince Priebus, the GOP chairman, pointed to recent gains for Romney that have lifted him to a virtual tie in most national polls. "The challenger always wins in a tie race," he said.

With time running out, both campaigns appeared to be fine-tuning their map of the states where they're campaigning the hardest.

A senior Republican official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to disclose private deliberations, said Sunday that the Romney team was seriously discussing sending Romney, Ryan or both to Minnesota during the final week. The state hasn't gone Republican in the presidential race since 1972, but recent polling shows a tighter race there than most anticipated.

In a flashback to the 2008 race, Obama's campaign announced that Biden will campaign Thursday in Pennsylvania, reprising a visit to his hometown of Scranton that he made during the final week four years ago. Pennsylvania, too, has been Democratic territory in recent years, but Romney has continued to contest the state with an advertising assist from the Republican Party.

Axelrod, Priebus and McDonnell spoke on CNN's "State of the Union." Warner spoke on "Fox News Sunday."


Lederman reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Philip Elliott in Ohio, Brian Bakst in Minnesota, Matthew Daly in New Hampshire and Jim Kuhnhenn and Julie Pace in Washington contributed to this report.



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Friday, October 26, 2012

Manned Mars Missions Could Threaten Red Planet Life

Humanity has long dreamed of putting boots on Mars, but those boots have the potential to stomp all over any lifeforms that may exist on the Red Planet.

A seething, swarming mass of 100 trillion microbes will accompany every astronaut who lands on Mars. This diverse "microbiome" has evolved with humans for eons and provides a number of services, from helping people digest their food to keeping pathogenic bacteria at bay.

While these microbes are intimately tied to humans, many of them will jump ship if transported to the Martian surface ? with unknown consequences for a planet that may or may not host life of its own.

"We have the responsibility to Mars, I think ? even if it's just Martian microbes ? not to kill them by the act of detecting them," Cynthia Phillips of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute said at the SETICon 2 meeting in June in Santa Clara, Calif. [5 Bold Claims of Alien Life]

"If you have human astronauts there," Phillips added, "there's no way to sterilize them. They're spewing out thousands of microbes every second. So it's a real problem."

Location, location, location

Space agencies around the world are already thinking about ways to minimize the contamination risks posed by manned Mars missions, even though the first footsteps on the Red Planet are perhaps decades away.

In fact, they already have a set of guidelines to follow ? a rough protocol drawn up in 2008 by the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), which is part of the International Council for Science. The top priority of the COSPAR policy is to protect Earth from any possible "back contamination" from Mars, but it aims to help protect the Red Planet from Earth life as well.

The COSPAR guidelines ? which NASA and the European Space Agency, among others, are committed to follow ? advise steering clear of gullies, possible geothermal sites and other "special regions" on the Red Planet where Earth life might be able to survive and proliferate.

"It is understood that when humans go to Mars, there will be a release of microbes from the human habitats and from the humans themselves, and also that humans will inevitably be exposed to Mars materials," said Cassie Conley, NASA's planetary protection officer.

"So the humans are only able to go to places where we expect that the Mars environment will be quite lethal to any Earth organisms that get released," Conley told, adding that various locations near the Martian equator might qualify.

The COSPAR guidelines further stipulate that humans cannot explore a Martian locale that has not been visited and vetted by a robot first. This robotic scout could arrive on a precursor mission, or it may be a component of the human mission itself. [7 Biggest Mysteries of Mars]

No numbers yet?

COSPAR's guidelines dictate just how clean robotic explorers of Mars and other alien worlds need to be. For example, NASA's Curiosity rover ? which landed on Mars Aug. 5 to determine whether the planet has ever been capable of supporting microbial life ? was allowed to carry a total of no more than 300,000 bacterial spores on any surface that could allow transfer to the Martian environment.

Such numerical targets don't exist yet for manned missions, but they probably will someday, Conley said.

"I'm sure that we will have more numerical information in the future, but partly we need to base that on our understanding of what kinds of hardware might be going," Conley said. "We also need to have a better understanding of the Mars environment itself."

Curiosity's two-year mission should be a big help in this latter regard, Conley added. The rover is studying its Gale Crater landing site with 10 science instruments, including gear designed to detect underground water ice and another tool that measures high-energy radiation at the planet's surface.

A Mars sample-return mission also would be a highly desirable precursor, Conley said. And this is indeed a key priority for NASA, which is evaluating several different strategies for getting pristine pieces of Mars into scientists' hands on Earth.

The space agency may reveal its chosen sample-return path in February, after the White House releases its federal budget request for fiscal year 2014, officials have said.

Private companies playing by the rules

NASA is thinking very seriously about how to send humans to Mars safely and responsibly, having been charged by President Barack Obama in 2010 to get astronauts to the vicinity of the Red Planet by the mid-2030s.

But government space agencies aren't the only entities planning out manned Mars missions. Elon Musk, founder and CEO of the private spaceflight firm SpaceX, has said he hopes to fly astronauts to the Red Planet within 10 or 15 years.

And the Dutch company Mars One aims to land four people on Mars in 2023, as the first step toward establishing a permanent colony. Mars One plans to pay for its ambitious activities by staging a reality-show media event around them ? a sort of interplanetary "Big Brother."

Conley said such private efforts are likely to follow the COSPAR guidelines, too. Under the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, countries are responsible for the space activities of companies registered within their borders, so the U.S. and Dutch governments have a strong interest in making sure SpaceX and Mars One play by the rules.

After all, neither nation would want to be taken to international court on charges of contaminating another planet.

And the companies may want to do the right thing anyway. For example, SpaceX has already initiated planetary protection discussions with NASA regarding its manned Mars ambitions, Conley said.

"It's the environmentally responsible thing to do," Conley said. "If you want to be a good citizen of the solar system, you do the planetary protection requirements, just like you pick up the litter and you don't spread your pollution all over the countryside."

Follow senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall or @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook and?Google+.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Woods recovers on back 9, Matteson leads by 1

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) ? Tiger Woods birdied five holes on the back nine in his first trip back to Malaysia since winning the 1999 World Cup to end the day three strokes behind first-round leader Troy Matteson at the CIMB Classic on Thursday.

Matteson made eight birdies in a bogey-free 8-under 63 to take a one-stroke lead over fellow Americans Jeff Overton, Brian Harman and Robert Garrigus.

Woods was 2 under early, but was even after nine holes after par putts lipped out on the eighth and ninth holes.

Woods recovered strongly with five birdies on the first eight holes of the back nine and finished with a 66 on the par 71, 6,197-yard The Mines Resort and Golf Club course, missing an 8-foot birdie putt on 18.


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China reshuffles top military ranks

Published: 10:24PM Wednesday October 24, 2012

China has reshuffled its top military ranks, weeks before a once-in-a-decade generational leadership change which sources said would see the outgoing air force commander promoted to vice-chairman of the military's top decision-making body.

General Ma Xiaotian, 63, was named air force commander, replacing General Xu Qiliang, 62, state broadcaster CCTV said.

Ma has been one of the secretive military's most visible faces, speaking at forums overseas and leading talks with US defence officials aimed at building trust between the world's two largest economies.

The report did not say what would happen to Xu.

But three independent sources with ties to the top leadership and the People's Liberation Army said Xu was tipped to be named one of two vice-chairmen of the powerful Central Military Commission.

The government generally does not comment on elite politics and personnel changes before the official announcement.

Xu's air force background means he can be expected to champion their interests at the centre of power, including the development of China's first indigenous stealth fighter.

Xu is one of eight members of the military commission, which is headed by President Hu Jintao, also the ruling Communist Party's top official.

Hu is widely expected to step down as party chief during a congress which opens on Nov. 8 and as president during the annual session of parliament next March. Anointed successor Vice President Xi Jinping will almost certainly take over both posts.

But sources and analysts are divided over whether Hu will follow in the footsteps of his predecessor Jiang Zemin, who hung on to the military chairmanship for two years after stepping down as party chief.

Hu, 69, has not made public his plans for retirement but, unlike in the West where former presidents and prime ministers tend to fade from the public eye, Chinese leaders seek to maintain influence to avoid possible adverse political repercussions down the road and preserve their legacy.

Hu's most noticeable legacy was mending fences with self-ruled democratic Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its own, after bilateral ties plunged as a result of menacing Chinese war games in the run-up to the island's landmark direct presidential elections in 1996.

Still, the 2.3 million-strong People's Liberation Army, the world's biggest armed forces, has rattled the region with an ambitious build-up overseen by Hu, including the launch of the country's first aircraft carrier.

There has also been tension between China and Japan over a group of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, as well as between China and various Southeast Asian claimants over the South China Sea.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When Brazilian Model Brothers Come To Miami And "Buy To Rent ...

The theme of buying real estate to rent out is nothing new, in fact courtesy of the government subsidized securitization gimmick known as REO-To-Rent, America's biggest asset managers have been able to load up on real estate virtually cost free, and hold on to it in hopes of renting it out to a US consumer. Alas, there is a qualifier: the "tapped out" US consumer. Case in point is Och Ziff, which as we wrote, after dabbling in the space for a year, has called it quits, and pulled out of the REO-to-Rent game. And they are the smart money, which means the returns for everyone else are only "downhill from here." That said, for now the meme is one of renting. In fact, as Reuters Insider points out, "Renting is the new American Dream." The problem is 'owning' was the old one. That ended in tears. This one will be no different. The only question is when. We think that when Brazilian model brothers come to Florida to buy up condos so they can rent them out, that's about as toppy as tops get (It is unclear if the two models also demand to be paid in EURs back in the homeland, like another infamous topticking supermodel and financial expert).

Incidentally, to all those who claim the US demographics will spur demand for housing, here is a fact: in the US 21% of young adults now live with their parents (a number which has soared in recent years). In Italy: the number is 33%. Point being there is much more capacity in living with mom and dad before the US has to be really excited about demographics driving demand. Because at the end of the day, it is not about demographic demand on the margin, but the cash flow said demographic is making. And with rents soaring, while average hourly wages are plunging, the cash flow just is not there.


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'Won't be pleasant': Obama lays out 2nd-term goals

Obama waves from Marine One before he departs the White House for a campaign trip. (Larry Downing/Reuters)

President Barack Obama laid out an astoundingly ambitious second-term agenda in an interview published Wednesday, vowing to forge a "grand bargain" with Republicans to reduce the national debt and achieve comprehensive immigration reform ? all in 2013.

"It will probably be messy. It won't be pleasant," Obama told the Des Moines Register's publisher and its editor by telephone. The daily made the exchange public after the White House dropped its insistence that it be off-the-record.

Messy? Unpleasant? Well, yes. Even if he wins reelection -- hardly a done deal -- few if any analysts expect the Democrats to retake the House of Representatives. And while Democrats are forecast to hold on to the Senate, betting that the president's party will secure a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority is a fool's game ? at least according to the latest polls. That makes these promises reliant on Obama using the 'bully pulpit' of the White House more effectively than he has since taking office January 2009.

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"The good news is that there's going to be a forcing mechanism to deal with what is the central ideological argument in Washington right now, and that is: How much government do we have and how do we pay for it?" Obama said in the interview. He was referring to the so-called "fiscal cliff" at the end of 2012 ? the looming expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts, the painful automatic domestic and military spending cuts known as the "sequester," as well as the end of a temporary payroll tax reduction and some unemployment benefits.

The president has pushed for letting the Bush-era tax cuts (which he renewed entirely in late 2010 in the face of Republican pressure) expire for individuals making $200,000 or more or families pulling in $250,000 and above. Obama signaled that his longstanding offer for deficit- and debt-reduction will still be on the table, a move that could irk Democrats.

"I am absolutely confident that we can get what is the equivalent of the grand bargain that essentially I've been offering to the Republicans for a very long time, which is $2.50 worth of cuts for every dollar in spending, and work to reduce the costs of our health care programs," Obama said. (The White House quickly clarified that he meant $2.50 of spending cuts for every dollar in new tax revenue).

"We can easily meet ? 'easily' is the wrong word -- we can credibly meet the target that the Bowles-Simpson Commission established of $4 trillion in deficit reduction, and even more in the out-years, and we can stabilize our deficit-to-GDP ratio in a way that is really going to be a good foundation for long-term growth. Now, once we get that done, that takes a huge piece of business off the table.

"The second thing I'm confident we'll get done next year is immigration reform," said Obama, who has drawn fire from the Hispanic community for not keeping his 2008 campaign pledge to do just that. Republicans, meanwhile, have accused him of softening immigration enforcement for political gain.

"Since this is off the record, I will just be very blunt. Should I win a second term, a big reason I will win a second term is because the Republican nominee and the Republican Party have so alienated the fastest-growing demographic group in the country, the Latino community," he said. "And this is a relatively new phenomenon. George Bush and Karl Rove were smart enough to understand the changing nature of America. And so I am fairly confident that they're going to have a deep interest in getting that done. And I want to get it done because it's the right thing to do and I've cared about this ever since I ran back in 2008."

Republican opposition doomed immigration the last time around, and the political payoff is not always clear -- but senior Obama adviser David Plouffe told reporters Wednesday that the GOP could not afford to drive off Latino voters if the party hopes to survive.

"Republicans basically walked away from their belief that we need immigration reform. My suspicion is if you lose a presidential election to Latino voters by 40 points in a fastly (sic) growing country, the responsible thing to do if you're in that party that's losing by 40 points is to look in the mirror," Plouffe said.

Plouffe also said he thought he saw "more and more Republican senators ? saying they're more open to revenue" (meaning: tax increases). "And most Democrats have shown themselves open to do tough things on spending," he added. "It's going to require both parties coming together," Plouffe said.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Windows 8's competition is Google first, Apple iPad second

A year from now Microsoft will either be a significant mobile and tablet player due to Windows 8 or it will be losing market share. And the outcome may boil down to Microsoft's relationship with hardware partners.

That's a takeaway from Gartner analyst David Cearley. His top 10 strategic technology trends included a hefty dose of Windows 8 cast in a mobile context.

Cearley moved to clarify the research firm's take that 90 percent of companies won't adopt Windows 8 in 2013. "Ninety percent of companies won't adopt Windows 8 in 2013, but that doesn't mean that 90 percent won't adopt it," said Cearley. "Windows 8 is Microsoft's anchor point for mobile as well as a cross-over experience."


But the adoption of Windows 8 will be slow. "Enterprises will evaluate Windows 8 as part of a mobile strategy," he said.

Putting Windows 8 in a mobile frame changes everything. Why? Google---not Microsoft---has the OEM relationships on the mobile front. There will be more Android powered hardware than Microsoft can match.

In other words, Windows 8 needs a form factor that's a hit and can bring along other partners. "One of the most important battles over the next year isn't Microsoft vs. the Apple and the iPad. It's Microsoft vs. Google in various markets. Can Microsoft win over OEMs?" said Cearley. "This is where the Surface comes into play. Microsoft is trying to walk a balance."

Sure, Windows 8 is more enterprise friendly, but consumers will determine the operating system's fate, he said. "If Windows 8 is suboptimal with consumers there will be challenges," said Cearley.

In a nutshell, Windows 8 could see challenges in the beginning with its app selection and ecosystem and how quick it iterates will determine Microsoft's success.

"Microsoft will face significant challenges next year if it doesn't execute," said Cearley. "If it addresses consumer traction it may see share grow."


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Gas prices on decline in New Mexico

ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) - Gas prices are always prime concerns on the minds of consumers, experts say we're on the road to paying less at the pump in the next few months. The dip that drivers see at the end of the summer driving season is coming a little late this year than normal.

Currently, the average price of a gallon of gas in New Mexico is putting us at right in the middle of what people are paying in other states across the country.

According to, has an average price for a gallon of gas in the state at about $3.57.
As of Monday morning, AAA New Mexico is showing that the Allsup's location on Indian School between 12th Street and Rio Grande in Albuquerque has gas at $3.39 a gallon. Nationally and locally, experts say we can expect this trend to continue over the next few weeks.

"There were some supply disruptions this year which caused this decrease in gas prices to occur a little bit later," says Doug Shupe from AAA New Mexico. "The main one was that refinery problem in Torrance, California which caused the record gas prices in California. Any time there's a major disruption like that, it impacts the overall market..."

Experts say the decline in the price of gas is all contingent on crude oil continuing to go down as well. The price at the gas pump is at its lowest level since early August.


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Giants lead Cardinals 7-0 in Game 7 of NLCS

San Francisco Giants' Gregor Blanco slides safely past St. Louis Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina during the second inning of Game 7 of baseball's National League championship series Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, in San Francisco. Blanco scored from second on a hit by Matt Cain. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

San Francisco Giants' Gregor Blanco slides safely past St. Louis Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina during the second inning of Game 7 of baseball's National League championship series Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, in San Francisco. Blanco scored from second on a hit by Matt Cain. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

San Francisco Giants starting pitcher Matt Cain throws during the first inning of Game 7 of baseball's National League championship series against the St. Louis Cardinals Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, in San Francisco. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)

San Francisco Giants' Matt Cain hits an RBI single during the second inning of Game 7 of baseball's National League championship series against the St. Louis Cardinals Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, in San Francisco. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

San Francisco Giants manager Bruce Bochy congratulates Gregor Blanco (7) after scoring from second on a hit by Matt Cain during the second inning of Game 7 of baseball's National League championship series against the St. Louis Cardinals Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, in San Francisco. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

San Francisco Giants' Pablo Sandoval reacts after thinking he picked off St. Louis Cardinals' Yadier Molina at third during the second inning of Game 7 of baseball's National League championship series Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, in San Francisco. Molina was called safe. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

(AP) ? Hunter Pence doubled home two runs with a slicing, broken-bat hit during a five-run third inning that chased Kyle Lohse, and the San Francisco Giants took a 7-0 lead over the St. Louis Cardinals through three innings in the decisive Game 7 of the NL championship series Monday night.

Pablo Sandoval's run-scoring groundout in the first gave him an RBI in five straight games, matching a Giants postseason record. Home run king Barry Bonds set the mark in 2002.

Matt Cain worked out of a jam behind a strong defensive effort and extended San Francisco's lead with a two-out single in the second. A Giants pitcher has driven in a run in three straight games. During that same span, St. Louis has scored one run as a team.

Lohse left after he walked Buster Posey to load the bases with no outs in the third. Pence then connected on a pitch from reliever Joe Kelly that broke his bat. The ball hit his bat twice more creating an awkward spin that fooled shortstop Pete Kozma, who first broke to the right. Kozma could not recover to field the slicing ball and it went for a double. A third run scored when center fielder Jon Jay misplayed the ball for an error.

The hit highlighted a run-scoring blitz that put the Cardinals in a major hole and whipped an orange towel-twirling crowd at AT&T Park into a frenzy.

The winner of the game between the past two World Series champions will host the Detroit Tigers on Wednesday night.

After some light rain during batting practice, sunshine broke through and a rainbow formed beyond the outfield, providing another scenic San Francisco backdrop.

And once again, the Giants started strong.

Cain struck out Jay on four pitches before Carlos Beltran blooped a single to center to open the first inning. Beltran stole second with two outs ? moving to 11 for 11 for his career in the postseason, the most steals ever without getting caught in a postseason career ? but Cain got Allen Craig to pop out to third.

In the bottom of the inning, Pagan and Marco Scutaro singled to put runners on first and third. Pagan scored on Sandoval's groundout to give the Giants a 1-0 lead, although San Francisco squandered chances for more when Lohse quickly retired Posey and Pence.

The team that had scored first is 5-1 in the series. The one loss came in Game 3, when St. Louis rallied to beat the Giants 3-1 with Cain and Lohse on the mound.

Cain, San Francisco's ace who threw a perfect game against Houston earlier this season, was hardly at his dominating best ? but his defense helped clean up his mistakes.

Yadier Molina singled and David Freese walked leading off the second. Molina moved to third when first baseman Brandon Belt made a diving stop on Daniel Descalso's grounder, throwing from his knees to get Freese at second. After Cain struck out Kozma, shortstop Brandon Crawford leaped to catch Lohse's soft liner to keep St. Louis scoreless.

Cain singled to center to score Gregor Blanco from second in the bottoming of the inning. Lohse cut off the relay throw and fans roared to their feet in celebration.

Crawford added another RBI in the third inning when Kozma fielded a weak grounder and threw home late, and Pagan grounded into a fielder's choice to put San Francisco ahead 7-0.

Lohse left after allowing six hits, walking one and striking out one.

About the only thing St. Louis could rely on was history ? at least recent history, anyway. The Cardinals overcame a 6-0 deficit to stun the Washington Nationals in the decisive Game 5 of the division series.

Only this time, the stakes were even higher ? and the deficit even larger.

The Giants were going for their 20th pennant while the Cardinals were chasing their 19th. In winner-take-all Game 7s, the Cardinals are 11-4 and the Giants are 0-5.

Since 1976, 14 home teams have won a Game 6 to force Game 7, with 13 of the 14 going on to win Game 7, according to STATS LLC. The lone loser was the 2006 Mets against the Cardinals. Beltran struck out looking with the bases loaded on Adam Wainwright's curveball for the final out in New York's 3-1 loss.

The only other time the Cardinals opened a 3-1 lead in the NLCS came in 1996, when they lost to the Atlanta Braves in seven games. San Francisco, which never faced an elimination game in winning the 2010 World Series title, is 5-0 when pushed to the edge this postseason.

St. Louis has won its last six games when facing elimination.


Antonio Gonzalez can be reached at:

Associated Press


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Why the Benghazi terrorist attack still dogs Obama

When it comes up in the presidential candidates? foreign policy debate Monday night, President Obama will have some serious explaining to do about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last month that killed the US Ambassador and three other Americans.

By Brad Knickerbocker,?Staff writer / October 20, 2012

President Barack Obama, accompanied by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaks during a ceremony Sept. 14 at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., marking the return to the United States of the remains of the four Americans killed in Benghazi, Libya.

Carolyn Kaster/AP


When it comes up in the presidential candidates? foreign policy debate Monday night ? and it certainly will ? President Obama will have some serious explaining to do about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last month.

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His answer could be pivotal in the debate, perhaps even in the election. Meanwhile, new information about what happened that night ? the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States ? and in the weeks afterward continues to emerge.

David Ignatius, the Washington Post?s well-regarded foreign policy columnist, reports that initial CIA ?talking points? supported UN Ambassador Susan Rice?s early contention that the attack in Benghazi ? which took the life of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other embassy personnel ? was tied to region-wide protests against a crude anti-Islam YouTube video.

According to the CIA account, provided to Mr. Ignatius by a senior US intelligence official, ?The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US Consulate and subsequently its annex. There are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.?

Think you know the Middle East? Take our geography quiz.

?This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as currently available information continues to be evaluated,? the Sept. 15 CIA document continued.

?We believe the timing of the attack was influenced by events in Cairo,? the senior official told Ignatius. ?The attackers were disorganized; some seemed more interested in looting. Some who claimed to have participated joined the attack as it began or after it was under way. There is no evidence of rehearsals, they never got into the safe room ? never took any hostages, didn?t bring explosives to blow the safe room door, and didn?t use a car bomb to blow the gates.?

It was, the intelligence official said, ?a flash mob with weapons,? adding that the only thing he would change in the CIA?s initial talking points would be to drop the word ?spontaneous? and substitute ?opportunistic.?

?This may sound like self-protective boilerplate,? Ignatius observes, ?but it reflects the analysts? genuine problem interpreting fragments of intercepted conversation, video surveillance and source reports? ? in essence, the ?fog of war? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton referred to earlier this week.


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Google Wallet site hints at possible multi-platform future

Android Central

Google’s teasing a new version of its Google Wallet over on the official site, and what's interesting is it might finally be rolling out to non-Android devices.

Upon requesting an invite on the site, you're prompted as to whether you’re using an Android, iOS or “other” device. Can we expect Google Wallet to become more ubiquitous, or perhaps see it in a version for iPhones, BlackBerry devices or Windows Phone?

This could allow you to bring your Google Wallet across different devices. The upcoming Windows 8 phones from HTC and Nokia will bring NFC capability too, although that leaves the iPhone 5 out of the tap-to-pay game for now. Maybe Google Wallet for Apple devices will help with the shopping online part of the story, or replace the Passbook app’s ticket collection function.

Then again, it's possible Google is just gauging interest from users on different platforms. We'll keep you posted on any further developments. In the meantime, hit the comments to share any speculation of your own.

Source: Google Wallet, Thanks, Eli Fried!


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Why I Never Want To Get a Text Message Ever Again

A few years ago texting was the bomb. It was quick, easy, way better than having to open yourself up to an actual back-and-forth conversation with someone, and perfect for surreptitious communication in class or meetings or whathaveyou. That said, I'd be glad to never get a text message ever again. More »


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M@h*(pOet)?ica ? Scott Helmes

#StorySaturday is a Guest Blog weekend experiment in which we invite people to write about science in a different, unusual format ? fiction, science fiction, lablit, personal story, fable, fairy tale, poetry, or comic strip. We hope you like it.



A poem that fully demonstrates the value of a poem?s including Scott Helmes?s ?Non-additive postulations.? It consists of ten equations full of Greek symbols, square root signs, and terms like ?noosphere / RBF.? Their over-all subject, it seems to me, is sex. Probably the most accessible (and my favorite) of them is the one just quoted (which I posted in my first entry to this blog and now will try to make sense of, as I then said I would).

This equation at first seems strange, to say the least. But once one begins mathematizing, interesting things happen. First, ?rudders? divided by ?udders? becomes a simple ?r.? This being the first letter of ?relationship,? the sole term on the left, it brings one quickly and vividly to the ?relationship? that shares that word with ?r.? And one begins whirling into thoughts of the complexity of human love, with its tension of leadership (?rudders?) versus nurture (?udders?) that is at the heart of all relationships? being, or ?are-ness.?

The square root of ?alphawakes? over ?oscillations? is tougher to make sense of. According to the logic of the poem so far worked out, it should equal ?elationships? (which it?s wonderful to believe that some relationships would have!) Mathematically, this means the quantity ?alphawakes? over ?oscillations? squared should equal ?elationships? squared.

If we want to get anywhere with this, poetic intuition must take over from mathematical reasoning (or the strange cousin of it I?ve been using). First, we must explicate ?alphawakes.? If we let the ?wakes? part of it stand for both the opposite of going to sleep and for something associated with funerals, and have the right background in literature, we can grant it the rich ambience it has in the title of Joyce?s Finnegans Wake. Moreover, with ships of sorts involved, ?wake? has yet another meaning with at least a little metaphorical aptness.

Finally, the ?alpha? part of the word strongly brings to mind (as my friend Stephen-Paul Martin noted when reading an earlier version of this analysis) the ?alphawaves? of the dream-state, and the ?goddess? of that state, and of Intuition in general, Joyce?s Anna Livia Plurabelle (ALPha). The ?alph? injects a bold sense of firstness into the meld, too.

I?m a little foggy as to how ?oscillations? fit into it. It seems to me they would tend, by their division into the alphawakes, to reduce the latter?s bounciness?perhaps to tone down the frivolity of the relationships it is contributing to the meaning of.

In any event, the equation stirs varied images and ideas into the mind, which for me is a main function of poetry, and art. Its mathematical formulation not only serves vivifyingly and freshly to condense its message but to provide an almost absurdly
rational background structure to a subject about as beyond rationality as there is, the human male/female ?relationship.? But here with another point of view on works like ?relationships? (my name for it) is Scott Helmes his own self, in the afterword he wrote to Non-Additive Postulations and the Square Root of Other Poems, the book ?relationships? was in?and my press published:

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, I had been reading a number of books relating to communication and inter-disciplinary approaches to education, such titles as Two Cultures and a Second Look (C P. Snow), Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (Norbert Weiner) and The Medium is the Message (Marshall McLuhan) stand out. One afternoon, it occurred to me that mathematical symbols and instructions represented a separate independent language and wouldn?t it be interesting to combine this language with the spoken and written English language. Not ever having written a poem previously, I then proceeded to compose/write about 15 poems dealing with mathematical ideas. Some of the works contained just written words and some contained a combination of mathematical symbols? and words. Wiener?s book was probably the most influential, serving as inspiration as it contained mathematical equations which described communication.

What struck me about mathematics as a language was that the symbols are ?translanguage.? For example, a Russian and English mathematician, neither knowing the other?s spoken language, could converse for days about mathematical issues using the symbols. When the poems were first written, their visual appearance did not appear as striking as I thought they might have seemed in concept; maybe because I had taken physics, acoustics and other engineering courses as part of my college requirements. There was an ?understanding? of them at least visually.

From this, and my own intuitive response to his poems, it seems to me their main function is to suggest the something beyond mundane reality as words wrenched (almost entirely) free of their denotations into nexuses of connotations by their equational re-contextualization rather than used with mathematical symbols in mathematical operations to poetically express old beauty from a new angle.

Ordinarily, I?d strike the preceding paragraph as pretentious, incoherent and dopey, but I?m choosing to leave it as is. I think it a good example of how a critic finding himself in a kind of art as yet rarely if ever effectively written about can have valuable things to say (as I believe I do), but fail to do anything but repel the intelligent reader, or at least make him shake his head in dismay, when he tries to use words to express those valuable things. (Although, alas, many critics will depend, successfully, on texts like the above to dazzle their readers!)

Okay, now for what I hope will be a better try. Like Duchamp putting a urinal into a museum, shearing it of its normal denotations so its attributes as a sculpture became visible (not that Duchamp seems to have realized that?s what he was doing), Helmes puts his poem into mathematical equations to minimize its ordinary denotations and release its connotations. It is equally true that he detaches the math in his works from their technical concerns to allow them . . . to have fun.

He is not concerned that a reader find the kind of story in what he does that I did, although I?m sure if that happens, it?s fine with him. He mainly wants to take his readers on mathematical adventures pure mathematics will never open into, adventures that are also verbal adventures no linguexpressive poems (i.e., poems that are linguistically expressive only) can open into.

In any case, here is the full set of ?non-additive postulate? the poem I dealt with is from:


Notice what ?relationships? equals in his second equation. Does that help you with it in the third equation? I think it rather contradicts what I said about relationships, which I thought positive! I?ll leave it to better mathematicians than I to decide. All I can say is that the concept of a ?blueberryohio? even if not taken to the ?tenth power,? makes being with these things worthwhile! And what about the multiplication of ?recognition? by ?without??

I hope in a later entry here to return to these sorts of works by Scott, with improved ideas about them thanks to the world-wide discussion these remarks of mine on them will surely ignite. (Sorry, I don?t believe in emoticons, so you?ll have to guess whether or not I?m being sarcastic here.) Right now, however, I?m going to turn to something recent of Scott?s mathematical poetry in color!

Malevich Today

Malevich Today

I am proud to state that I commissioned this! ?Do something in color for me,? was my command. So, to construct the above, he turned to the work Kasimir Malevich (1878-1935), the inventor of a kind of visimagery (i.e., my idiosyncratic term for ?visual art,? you may recall) known as suprematism around a century ago, and considered (with Piet Mondrian) the most important pioneer of geometric non-representational art. Below is a detail from an early work of his called, ?Supreme.?



I would describe Scott?s work first of all as a variation on a mathematical proof: a surrealization of such proofs that presents us with two equations we are to take as true, and told that from them the final equation follows. That final equation seems to me a wry squaring of the circle. In any case it gives us something quite fascinating to think about, those of us, that is, with the right short circuits in our brains: the question of just what a flat circle divided by a circle facing us would equal. Visually. Mathematically, I?m sure there are trig tricks, or vector manipulations, or the like, that would take care of the matter. Obviously, because computer programs can use math to re-orient images. But thinking only about a simple arithmetical fraction like this one, what might happen strikes me as rather profound.

Of course, that?s only me?but it?s still important because one of the principal things poetry is good for is nudging an engagent of a specimen of it into thoughts and ideas that seem to him profound, however ditzy they may seem to others. One might even go from my simple wonder into the larger wonder at the magic of exactly what it is mathematically that allows computer software to manipulate images.

While still on the final equation of Scott?s set, the question of how the yellow of the outward-facing circle and the grey of the flat circle will affect what they equal, and why what they equal should be black? Does the fact that the yellow circle has to go through a black division-denoting line have anything to do with it? Silly, yes?but a reminder that details count in poetry!

Much in the ?proof? is left out?no doubt to be considered standard knowledge for poetimeticians, such as the value of ?A.?

Another thought, inspired by the title of the piece, ?Malevich Today?: that Scott?s piece offers us an escape from cut&dry math the way suprematism offers an escape from cut&dry realistic painting?which gives our pleasure in the latter a chance to revive.

The last piece by Scott I want to treat here is another one in color, done some time ago, after I?d shown him some of my long division pieces:

Mathemaku Divided by Grumman

Mathemaku Divided by Grumman

This is almost entirely a visimage (visual image)?but the barely noticeable infiltration of what I call the ?dividend shed? (there doesn?t seem to be a formal name for it, unless it?s the ?guzzinto sign? my friend Sid Glaser told me he knew it as?because it tells us what a divisor ?goes into?), and the even less-noticeable infiltration of the decimal point. So aside from being a wonderful collage with enough triumphs of design to keep us in the thing for days combined with intriguing ever-deepening narratives beginning and ending, we have these two alien features problematizing it. The dot may be the more important of them, but it requires the dividend shed to assert its identity as a decimal point. As such, it decisively mathematicizes the top line of images, transforming it into a sequence of ever diminishing importances, a blank, or zero, amount of tenths being one of them, it would seem.

Granting this, what are we to make of the rectangle with what seems to be an umbrella in it outside the quotient, and the rectangles directly under the divisor, which is the rectangle with the clock in it? Why is the first term in the dividend blank? Against, it would seem we have a surrealization of a mathematical event, in this case, a long division.

Always trying to find what I call a unifying principle in a work of art, I am now going (for now) to abandon my attempt to interpret it as an actual long division the way those of my pieces like it mostly are (see below), for something more subtle. Is it perhaps a fairly formal arrangement of a moment, or perhaps several years, into which Mathematics has stolen in an attempt to find out what makes it tick (and it does tick in a lovely serene way)?to perform something I suddenly see as almost a surgical operation. Some of the arrangement?s magic is becoming susceptible to the reasoning mind the two mathematical elements represent?the sequence ordering itself, and some of the rectangles easing the situation by leaving the main scene, others perhaps finding where a multiplication has set them . . .

What about the alternative idea of the dividend shed as a ray of sunlight?

Do I know what I?m talking about? A little bit, I believe. Mainly, I?m letting my mind drift in the slow currents of the collage?with the hope that I will encourage others to have similar fun not worrying about properly solving the work as a problem, but let themselves be carried away by their mathematical brains, their visual comprehension and poetic story-telling ability into lazy ?para-solutions? of it, or solutions apart but associating with whatever correct solution there is, if any.

Next, here is my ?Long Division Poem for Scott Helmes,? which was inspired by his many adventures in collage:

Long Division for Scott Helmes

Long Division for Scott Helmes

I?ve used up my interpretive skills on Scott?s works, so can?t say much about this right now. Know, however, that it is absolutely correct! Oh, also let me inform you that Aurora was the ancient Romans? goddess of the dawn. I should also confess that this may be unfinished. I?m not sure its quotient is entirely right. . . .

Finally, to demonstrate that Scott isn?t the only one doing artworks that are fascinatingly not mathematical and mathematical at the same time, as well as much else in divers arts and sciences, here?s ?function,? by Carlyle Baker:



You want an explanation? You gotta be kidding! Seriously, I plan to say something brilliantly insightful about it in my next installment, which will be about circles! Study up on them until then!

Previously in this series:

M@h*(pOet)?ica: Summerthings
M@h*(pOet)?ica?Louis Zukofsky?s Integral


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

EU leaders call Mali crisis a threat to Europe

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU leaders said on Friday the crisis in Mali, where Islamists have seized control of much of the north of the country, was an "immediate threat" to Europe, and threatened to impose sanctions on the armed militia there.

It was the first time EU heads of state and government had pronounced collectively on the crisis, which broke out in March when soldiers toppled the president, leaving a power vacuum that enabled Tuareg rebels to take control of the north. Islamists, some allied with al Qaeda, have since hijacked their revolt.

"This situation poses an immediate threat to the Sahel region as well as to West and North Africa and to Europe," EU leaders said in a statement after a summit in Brussels on Friday.

EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton said this week "terrorists and drug traffickers" might have a free hand in Mali unless the government regained control.

Regional leaders and international organizations were meeting on Friday in Mali's capital Bamako to discuss whether the Islamists should be dislodged by military intervention or a more gradual political approach.

The United Nations Security Council last week gave African leaders 45 days to draw up a plan for military intervention to retake control of the north.

France, Mali's former colonial ruler, has six hostages held by the Islamists, and has been pushing hard for military action.

French President Francois Hollande is said to believe there is a risk that al Qaeda's North African arm, AQIM, is cementing its base in the West African state, creating a launch pad for an attack on French soil.

Diplomatic and security sources say there is "credible" evidence of planned attacks following botched bombings by AQIM at French embassies in Mali and Mauritania.

However, diplomats say that foreign military intervention in Mali is months away.

The European Union will step up its humanitarian response to the crisis, and examine support for the envisaged international military force, said Friday's statement by the European Council, which represents EU member states.

"The EU will maintain the option to adopt targeted restrictive measures against those involved in the armed groups in northern Mali and those hindering the return to constitutional order," the statement said.

(Editing by Andrew Roche)


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Condominium Residences Auctioned in Hyattsville | Multi-Housing ...

Oct. 19, 2012

By Jeffrey Steele, Contributing Writer

Hyattsville, Md.?An auction of 33 condominium residences at One Independent Plaza and Plaza Lofts 22 in Hyattsville?s University Town Center will take place October 28 at 1 p.m. IMPACT Real Estate Solutions, LLC will conduct the auction at the Greenbelt Marriott. The announcement of the auction was made by Resource Real Estate, Inc.

The five-year-old One Independence Plaza features 112 homes, of which 75 have been sold. Of the remaining 37 units, 28 will be auctioned. They include seven one-bedroom units and 21 two-bedroom homes. Minimum bid price on the seven one-bedroom condos, which range in size from 603 to 698 square feet, will start at $99,000. Minimum bid prices on the two bedroom condominium homes, which range in size from 1,030 to 1,130 square feet, start at $165,000.

Plaza Lofts 22 is a new construction, mid-rise luxury condominium that has captured awards for its architecture. Of a total 22 condominium residences, five will be auctioned. They include a one-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom home, two one-bedroom-plus den with 1.5-bath units and two homes that each feature two bedrooms and 2.5 baths. The minimum bids on these five residences will range from $135,000 to $245,000.

The buildings both offer common-area amenities designed to bring residents together. They include state-of-the-art fitness centers, outdoor amenity decks and community rooms for entertaining. In addition, both are located near retail and dining venues and movie theaters, as well as the Prince George Plaza Metro T stop. Each residence purchase price includes a parking space license.

IMPACT is a full-service real estate firm specializing in sales and marketing of luxury multi-unit residential development.

?Our company has conducted auctions for luxury developments like this all over the country,? says Stephanie Wilkinson, partner in IMPACT Real Estate Solutions LLC. ?This event is truly special for a number of reasons, including the affordable $99,000 starting bid price for such a quality product, as well as the fact it is launching a completely new building never available to the market before, in the sale of Lofts 22.?

Resource Real Estate Inc. has an ownership interest in and manages a real estate portfolio with an aggregate value of about $1.7 billion across 14 states.

?We?re happy to be a part of the ever-evolving, strong community that is University Town Center,? says Todd Jaycox, senior vice president at Resource Real Estate. ?Rich with culture [and] diversity, commuter-friendly and central to both Howard University and the University of Maryland, it is a hub for a quality urban lifestyle.?

The auction will require all bidders to have $2,500 in certified funds made out in their names. In addition, all bidders will be required to put down three percent of purchase price that day. CalCon Mutual, the preferred lender, will be available on site. Investors are welcome to purchase.


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Android Apps Worth Downloading: Google Calendar, CloudOn, MARVEL War of Heroes

Just in time for the weekend, Google has thrown down an update for its Google Calendar app that brings it to a lot more users in the Android community, and offers all the handy aspects of the service you know and love. Document viewer and editor CloudOn also received a significant update that makes it work better with Microsoft Office documents. Finally, spend some time with Marvel superheroes ? in collectible, digital card form ? with MARVEL War of Heroes.

Google Calendar (Free)

What?s it about? It?s Google Calendar ? you can add important appointments, invite others to participate in them, and get email reminders and notifications to help you make sure you never miss an important event.

What?s cool? Google Calendar can be a highly useful service, but for a long time only certain Android device owners were able to make use of the standalone app from Google. That changes now, as Google released a new version of the app to the greater Android community. It?s still not compatible with every device out there, but features like the ability to alter your calendars on the fly and email event participants is still extremely handy.

Who?s it for? Anyone who makes regular use of Google Calendar will want the app on-hand. It makes taking down appointments as they?re made easy, as well as making adjustments to your schedule as they happen.

What?s it like? You?ll find lots of other calendar apps in the Google Play store that can also interact with the Google Calendar service. Touch Calendar is a good example, as is aCalendar.

CloudOn (Free)

What?s it about? Access Microsoft Office and other documents via your Android device with CloudOn, which is capable of linking to services such as DropBox and Google Drive in order to make it easier to view and work with documents remotely.

What?s cool? Recently updated, CloudOn now offers greater capabilities when it comes to Office documents ? namely, the ability to annotate or even edit them from your Android devices. You?ll have greater capabilities with working with your documents, and the app also makes it easy to share them with others through email for greater collaboration.

Who?s it for? CloudOn is perfect for workaholics and the kinds of people who are constantly working on documents with others. CloudOn is great for when you have to be away from the office or computer, but your input might be needed on a pressing project.

What?s it like? You can find other apps in Google Play that are smart enough to handle various document types. Check out Documents To Go and Quickoffice Pro for a pair that are capable of editing Microsoft Office documents, specifically.

MARVEL War of Heroes (Free)

What?s it about? MARVEL War of Heroes is digital collectible card game, which means you?ll create a deck of ?cards? with different properties, and use them in a strategy-filled battle. You?ll gather cards of various Marvel superheroes, as well as those of power-ups and other things. Combine them to make a powerful deck to play through the game?s missions.

What?s cool? War of Heroes is a bit different from other digital card games because it?s mostly about the gathering cards and ?evolving? them by completing missions. When you actually use the cards, your strategy and preparation are what matter ? not actually playing the cards at the right time, like in games such as Magic: The Gathering. War of Heroes packs some original artwork from Marvel artists, which is a nice touch, and you can team up with other players within the game.

Who?s it for? Marvel fans are among the top tier of people who will have a good time with War of Heroes. Collectible card game fans will likely have a good time, even though this one doesn?t handle like most others.

What?s it like? The popular Rage of Bahamut will put you in similar headspace to MARVEL War of Heroes, with lots of collecting cards and strategy. The same goes for Chains of Durandal. Check out Cabal: The Card Game for a change of pace and a different aesthetic but with a similar formula.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Armstrong's foe says finding truth the No. 1 goal

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) ? Even those who don't recognize his name will almost certainly know what Travis Tygart has been up to lately.

To put it simply, he's the man who's been making life difficult for Lance Armstrong.

Part teacher and part preacher for his cause, Tygart's official title is chief executive officer of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. He's a man who doles out lessons about playing fair while also trying to cajole confessions from those who don't.

His mission: Make sports a sanctuary for finding out which athlete is most talented and has worked the hardest, not who's the best cheater.

Most recently, that mission has led Tygart to spearhead the case that's ended Armstrong's cycling and triathlon careers. Only a year ago, that task seemed even more difficult than out-pedaling him in the Tour de France. Now, Armstrong has been cut loose by his major sponsors and is no longer the face of the Livestrong charity he founded.

As it turns out, the man who became Armstrong's greatest adversary is like him in some ways.

Both Armstrong and Tygart are 41. Like Armstrong, Tygart is in great shape and loves to get on the bike every once in a while.

And like Armstrong, Tygart has a stubborn streak in him. A big one.

"I saw at an early age that working hard is how you become successful," says Tygart, who learned his lessons about teamwork and sports growing up in Florida, where he was on state-championship baseball and basketball teams in high school.

"Playing sports as a kid, I learned all the valuable lessons that I think sports should teach. I'm determined to do everything possible to maintain those lessons for kids growing up."

Tygart has parlayed that credo into a career that, because of his role in taking down one of the world's most famous athletes, has made him among both the most trusted and reviled figures in sports ? even if only a small minority of sports fans would recognize him walking down the street.

"I always knew I wanted to do something that made a difference. It was never about anything other than trying to change the world for a better tomorrow," he says, a self-conscious laugh creeping in when he hears how much his words seem like a superhero's catchphrase.

If it all sounds a bit sanctimonious and too good to be true, well, his critics certainly won't argue. To them, he is a hatchet man who ran a witch hunt to settle an old score against Armstrong ? a foe who eluded sanctions for more than a decade.

"This isn't about Tygart wanting to clean up cycling," Armstrong wrote in a letter to The Associated Press, before USADA ordered his seven Tour de France titles stripped and before a massive report detailing the evidence against him was released. "Rather it's just a plain ol' selective prosecution that reeks of vendetta."

The case Tygart's agency produced included testimony from 11 former teammates of Armstrong's, along with 15 others, who teamed up to paint the picture of Armstrong as a drug-pushing bully. The report exposed what Tygart calls the most extensive doping program sports has ever seen.

On Wednesday, a week after USADA's documents were released, Armstrong left his post as chairman of his Livestrong foundation, the same day Nike announced it would sever ties with its longtime pitchman.

It was the latest in a steady drumbeat of bad news for Armstrong, all delivered ? either directly or indirectly ? courtesy of the agency Tygart has led since 2007 when his predecessor, Terry Madden, stepped down.

USADA was formed in 2000 as a way of taking drug cases that were decided by the U.S. Olympic Committee and placing them in the hands of a group that would be run independently. The agency is partially funded by the USOC and partially by the government. It runs on an annual budget of about $14 million and is tasked with finding and catching the drug cheats, spreading the message of clean sports and staying on top of the science in a business where the bad guys are always a step ahead.

As outside counsel, then general counsel, then CEO for USADA, Tygart has worked on every major doping case of the past decade, including the investigation into the Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative, which showed how sophisticated the performance-enhancing drug game had grown and resulted in the prosecution of Barry Bonds.

Among those caught in USADA's net over the years: 2006 Tour de France winner Floyd Landis; Olympic gold medalists Marion Jones and Justin Gatlin; cyclist Tyler Hamilton; all the players listed in the Mitchell Report, which documented doping in baseball and which was put together with Tygart's input. All have had their accomplishments stripped or brought into question.

Through it all, Tygart insists he's treated the so-called celebrity athletes the same way he treats the unknowns ? the 40-something marathon runners and teenage in-line skaters who also fall under USADA's purview.

"He states his mission and his vision and you feel it," says Daniel Eichner, the former science director at USADA. "To him, it's all about protecting clean athletes. There's no other agenda."

Very few of the breakthroughs come easy for Tygart, a married father of three, avid skier, runner and, yes, cyclist, who on Tuesday celebrated his daughter's 11th birthday and also his 10th anniversary as a USADA employee.

He always loved the law but wanted some sort of sports connection and says when he sees injustice anywhere, "it's just infuriating, whether it's in sports or other areas of life."

Those who've known him for years say the message doesn't change once the necktie comes off.

"Travis is passionate about sport," said Rich Young, a partner at Bryan Cave LLP, who represents USADA as outside counsel and hired Tygart for that work in 2000. "He's a baseball and basketball player. He's got kids who are athletes. He really gets the difference between true sport and circus."

A native of Jacksonville, Fla., Tygart comes from a family well-respected in the Florida law community. His brother and sister are lawyers. His father was a trial attorney who now works as a mediator. His uncle is a judge. After graduating with a philosophy degree from North Carolina, Tygart returned to Florida and taught high school government classes for three years, while also coaching baseball and basketball. From there, he went to Southern Methodist to get his law degree and begin the path toward becoming the single most powerful man in the U.S. anti-doping game.

Much has been made of death threats he received during the Armstrong investigation. Why does he keep on going?

"Because I've heard the stories from the athletes," he says. "I've heard them from the clean athletes who left their sport and felt personally robbed."

He thinks of lifelong friends such as T.R. Lewis, who had major league potential but never made it. Lewis came up during the 1990s ? the steroids era ? and got aced out by players he knew were using performance-enhancing drugs. He says looking at the Mitchell Report "is like someone leafing through their high school yearbook. It's all these guys I played with, played against."

"I don't mean to overstate my presence in the game, but I joke with Travis that, in some regard, I'm the poster boy for the players who got left behind," Lewis said.

And Tygart is their faithful servant.

The CEO said he was confused in February, when federal prosecutors abruptly decided not to charge Armstrong and drop a nearly two-year investigation. "You'll have to ask them why they shut down," is all he'll offer when pressed on the subject.

He was irritated when the feds refused to share their evidence with USADA, as had been customary in similar instances in the past.

Instead of quitting, Tygart hit the phones and revved back up on his own investigation. Unlike the feds, he did not need to tie Armstrong to criminal activity, much of which allegedly occurred in Europe. He needed to show that the cyclist broke the rules of sport.

Months later, Armstrong was charged under USADA's rules. The cyclist opted in August not to fight the accusations, still denying he used performance-enhancing drugs but saying the arbitration system was rigged against him.

Tygart went ahead and banned Armstrong from competition and ordered that race results back to 1998 be erased. Then his agency released its report on the case.

"At the end of the day, the truth is too powerful, whether it was this case or any other," Tygart said. "And at the end of the day, the truth was revealed."


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