Sunday, August 4, 2013

TO THE EDITOR: Candidate says Taylor mayor is not telling truth about treasurer?s pension

To the Editor: To the residents of Taylor, a few weeks ago I sent a letter to the editor in response to lies that were being told by one of the candidates regarding benefits I would receive if elected treasurer. Now, Mayor Jeffrey Lamarand wrote a letter to the editor basically saying I was lying and that I will receive pension enhancement and lifetime health care if elected.

The letter he wrote is a blatant lie. Any newly elected or appointed officials are no longer eligible to receive a pension or health care in retirement. The only benefits the new mayor, clerk or treasurer will receive is compensation and health care while they are in office.

The City Council voted in 2011 to remove the pension and lifetime health care for all newly elected officials. I have served this community for 16 years and I am always truthful with you. Two councilwomen voted to leave the benefits in; I joined the four other council members in voting to remove them.

Listed below is the amended section of the Taylor Code Ordinance that was adopted Aug. 2, 2011. Section 2-80

(a) says: ?No elected or appointed official shall increase their accrued pension benefits, including their final average compensation for pension purposes, if elected or appointed to a different elective office after July 19, 2011. Such personal service rendered in this different elective office shall not be credited to that individual's service credit account for any pension benefit purpose, including any increase in his/her final average compensation and/or any and all pension benefits.?

I ask that you continue to believe in me and elect me as your treasurer.

Jacklyn Molner

Taylor councilwoman

(Editor?s note: Councilwoman Jacklyn Molner is one of three candidates running for the Taylor treasurer?s post in Tuesday?s primary election. The two highest vote-getters will move on to the Nov. 5 general election. Her letter to the editor is in response to a recent letter from Mayor Jeffrey Lamarand that appeared in The News-Herald Newspapers.)


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Monday, June 3, 2013

'Fast 6' hangs onto first place at box office

This film publicity image released by Universal Pictures shows Dwayne Johnson , left, Vin Diesel, center, and Paul Walker in a scene from "Fast & Furious 6." (AP Photo/Universal Pictures, Giles Keyte)

This film publicity image released by Universal Pictures shows Dwayne Johnson , left, Vin Diesel, center, and Paul Walker in a scene from "Fast & Furious 6." (AP Photo/Universal Pictures, Giles Keyte)

(AP) ? With its supercharged muscle cars, "Fast & Furious 6" raced to first place at the box office for the second consecutive weekend.

Estimates released Sunday show the Universal Pictures release will add another $34.5 million to its North American ticket sales, keeping it in the No. 1 spot after opening to more than $120 million over the Memorial Day holiday.

The magic-heist thriller "Now You See Me" exceeded industry expectations to debut in second place with $28.1 million.

"After Earth," the futuristic caper starring father-and-son team Will Smith and Jaden Smith, opened to $27 million, good for third place.

Fox's animated "Epic" and Paramount's "Star Trek: Into Darkness" tied for fourth place with $16.4 million each.

"The Hangover Part III" was fifth with $15.9 million.

Associated Press


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Sunday, June 2, 2013

5 Quick and Easy Ways To Wiping Out Obstacles To Goal ...

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goalsLife is nothing but an obstacle course, its all about getting through that obstacle course *successfully* to your desired goal that most people seem to have a problem with.

And it?s only normal to encounter these obstacles in the pursuit of your goal.

It?s kind of a test to see if your worthy.

However, when these obstacles start to become a nuisance to the point of almost putting a stop to your goal(s); or worse, making one completely abandon his/her goal, one must take action and think things through.

So, with that said, here are some helpful, tested pointers that will keep your attention focused in achieving any goal that you put your mind to.

Step #1. Think positive.

This means: Do not quit. Especially when one is midway in working for a goal, there should be no room for quitting.

To quit is tantamount to going back to the starting line of goal accomplishment. That is time, energy, money, and a whole lot of things wasted and lost. It is more costly to quit than to find a solution to the problem, not to mention the frustration one feels.

Step #2. Keep a clear, open and tense-free mind.

Always be ready to receive new ideas. Focus and concentrate. Think on a wide scale manner and always be open for options(even unconventional ones) to eliminate the particular obstacle you are currently dealing with.

Step #3. Persist and Persevere.

Be sure to exhaust every possibility, even to the point of trial and error, just to be sure that there is a solution to correct the problem your dealing with.

Step #4. Simulate.

Try to picture inside your head a possible solution to help overcome and/or solve the obstacle that?s setting you back.

Step #5. Get assistance.

If all fails get assistance from other you know who are more knowledgeable on the work being done. They may be able to help you or not. Their suggestions might not necessarily be the right or exact ones you were hoping to hear, but they may trigger some NEW ideas in finding the right solution to your problem.

Those are the basic 5 steps to overcoming any obstacle that?s holding you back.

But? before I go I?d like you to consider this scenario as an example.

Let?s say you thought of a COOL new product and you are confident and excited that this product will be sell-able to your target market once it hits the market.

You then go tell a friend about it, but your friend says that your product would be waste of time and money.

Your friend also tells you why it will be such a flop and gives your their reason why as follows:

?If your product idea is to be a success, how come nobody else is doing it??

Does this sound familiar?

With that being said you decide that your friend is right and forget about your new product idea because of your friend?s comment.

This exact scenario happens all the time all over the world.

Don?t fall victim to this.

You are your own person with your own opinions and beliefs.

Though it is good to hear other peoples opinions and their reasons, what really matters the most is yours in the end based on the information you have received and researched.

So the lesson here is, be firm in your beliefs and follow your heart and minds desire.

You just never know what the outcome might be.

Life and Business CoachingAbout John Curran:

John helps clients who struggle with fear, procrastination, stress, time management, overwhelm, self-doubt, or feeling STUCK. He is a Life and Business Coach skilled in the arts of organization, strategy, and accountability who can give you the tools for achieving clarity of purpose and the ability to move forward. To receive a FREE 30-minute coaching strategy session visit=>THE SOLUTION COACH

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Woolwich Murder Suspect Is a ?Freedom Fighter,? Says Islamist Leader Banned from U.K.

To most people who watched the widely distributed video of Michael Adebolajo standing in a London street on May 22 talking into the camera of a passer-by while holding a meat cleaver that he had allegedly just used to help kill a British soldier, the young man is, at best, a suspected murderer. At worst, he?s a terrorist.?In the eyes of Omar Bakri, Adebolajo is ?a freedom fighter.?

?From an Islamic perspective he is fighting back against the soldiers who are committing crimes against Iraq,? Bakri told TIME in a telephone interview from Lebanon on May 29. Bakri is the founder of an Islamist group named al-Muhajiroun. He and another former leader of the group, Anjem Choudary, say that Adebolajo attended meetings of al-Muhajiroun.?Adebolajo was ?shy and quiet? when he attended al-Muhajiroun rallies in 2003 and 2004, Bakri said.

(MORE:?London Terror Attack: Names, Family Tragedy and Deepening Mystery)

Al-Muhajiroun is now illegal in the U.K. but experts say that in spite of being outlawed and even without its hardline founder to guide it in person (Bakri has not been in the U.K. since 2005), the group?s members continue to meet and espouse an extremist vision of Islam that celebrates terrorist attacks. The?horrific murder of 25-year-old Drummer Lee Rigby and the revelation soon after that Adebolajo had links to al-Muhajiroun reignited concerns in Britain about the role that extremist groups play in radicalizing young British Muslims. Many Muslim groups across Britain have been quick to denounce the crime, as well as the ideals al-Muhajiroun and Adebolajo have espoused.

Adebolajo quickly became the public face of the attack after the footage from the scene showed him apparently discussing the murder with the passer-by who held the camera. ?We swear to you, by the almighty Allah, we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone,? he tells the camera, his hands apparently soaked with blood. Adebolajo, 28, along with his alleged accomplice, 22-year-old Michael Adebowale, was later shot by armed police at the scene and taken to the hospital under armed surveillance. Adebowale has since been released from hospital and charged with murder and the possession of an illegal firearm.

Bakri founded al-Muhajiroun in 1983 in Saudi Arabia. The group was later banned from the country and Bakri relocated to Britain. He relaunched al-Muhajiroun in 1996 with the help of Choudary, a British then-solicitor. The group gained notoriety in 2003 when it staged rallies celebrating the 9/11 hijackers, calling them the ?Magnificent 19,? before disbanding in 2004, apparently in anticipation of being outlawed by the British government. But the group is thought to have continued operating under various different names. Bakri himself left the U.K. for Lebanon in 2005. He was subsequently barred from returning by British authorities. When al-Muhajiroun reestablished itself publicly in 2009 under Choudary?s leadership British authorities officially banned it and its successors.

(MORE:?Exclusive: Away from Domestic Pressures, British P.M. Cameron Chillaxes with TIME)

Throughout its existence al-Muhajiroun?s leaders insisted it was a non-violent organization. Even while declaring support for Adebolajo, Bakri insists that although the young suspect ?did once upon a time participate in our public activities, we don?t teach people to remove other people?s heads.?

Doug Weeks, an expert in radical groups at St. Andrew?s University, describes al-Muhajiroun as an extremist organization but says that the group does not explicity incite violence. ?I think it?s important to note is that this is an ideological movement,? Weeks says. ?It?s basically a religious social movement. It?s very porous. People kind of come in and hang out for a bit and then pop out the other side.?

(MORE:?Terror in London Sparks Tensions, Upsurge in Islamophobic Attacks)

But Usama Hasan, a senior researcher at Quilliam Foundation, a counter-extremism think tank, says Islamist extremist groups like al-Muhajiroun can plant seeds of violence without explicitly inciting it: ?Even though they?re not violent, a lot of their ideas cause division and hatred in society in terms of discrimination and the idea that Muslims are superior.?

The murder in Woolwich, however, isn?t the first act of violence committed by people connected to the group. According to a study published in 2011 by the Henry Jackson Society, a conservative think tank based in London, 24 out of 134 terrorists convicted in the U.K. between 1998 and 2010 ? or nearly one in five ? were either members of al-Muhajiroun or had known links to the group. Hannah Stuart, a research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society and a co-author of the study, told TIME that since the study was published, ?it looks as though that sort of one in five estimate has roughly continued.??Last month, three British men were convicted of engaging in conduct in preparation of acts of terrorism; one of those men was Richard Dart, a convert to Islam who was shown on camera studying under al-Muhajiroun?s former leader Choudary in a 2011 BBC documentary, ?My Brother the Islamist.?

In 2005, the then-Labour Party government of Tony Blair established an anti-radicalization campaign named ?Prevent;? the program was designed to improve relations between authorities and Muslim community leaders. Funding to the program was cut in 2011 under the coalition government of Conservative Party leader David Cameron ? a move that has since drawn sharp criticism. Days after Rigby?s death, Hazel Blears, a Labour MP and member of Britain?s Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee, told the Guardian: ?Counter-extremism isn?t just about tackling the people you already know are radicalized. It is about trying to work with local communities before they get to that point so that good decent people in the community can protect young people from being groomed and getting these ideas in the first place.?

And wholesale banning of extremist groups like al-Muhajiroun hasn?t appeared to stop them from operating either. ?These guys have been around for a long, long time at this point and are quite resilient,? says Weeks. ?So one of the issues becomes, if proscription is intended to prevent them from assembling and doing what they do, the evidence would suggest that it?s not really an effective mechanism.?

Bakri?s comments about Adebolajo and the killing of Rigby are anathema to the majority of Muslims in Britain. Bakri insists his ?sect has nothing to do with the majority of those [Muslims] speaking out? and says, somewhat vaguely, he will do what he can to help Adebolajo. More forcefully, he warns against any retaliation on his ?brothers in the U.K.?, saying, ?believe me, it?s going to make the people wake up and there?s going to be devastation for everybody.?

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Friday, May 31, 2013

Beyonce Responds To Kelly Rowland's 'Dirty Laundry': 'I Never Left'

'She heard how real I was and was like 'I'm so proud of you,' ' Kelly says of Bey's reaction to the track.
By James Dinh

Kelly Rowland and Beyoncé
Photo: Kevin Mazur/ WireImage


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Obama says Democrats could win back U.S. House in 2014

By Roberta Rampton

CHICAGO (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, whose agenda has been frustrated by Republicans in Washington, said on Wednesday he believed his party could reclaim control of the House of Representatives in the 2014 midterm elections but conceded it was an uphill struggle.

The party in power in the White House typically loses seats in the first midterm election after a presidential campaign, and many political analysts believe Democrats could lose seats in Congress in 2014.

But Obama, appearing at fundraisers for Democratic House candidates in his hometown of Chicago, said he believed 2014 could prove different.

"We've got a great chance to take back the House," he told more than 100 people gathered at a cocktail reception in an ornate ballroom at the Chicago Hilton, where ticket prices ranged from $1,000 per person to $5,000 per couple.

Obama, who was reelected in 2012, told donors that he is willing to work with Republicans on issues like creating jobs through national infrastructure programs, but said he has a hard time finding Republican lawmakers willing to compromise.

"We've got a politics that is stuck right now. And the reason it's stuck is because people spend more time thinking about the next election than they do thinking about the next generation," Obama said.

Obama said he is willing to work with Republicans, who currently control the House, but accused them of "obstructionism" and "an interest only in scoring political points or placating a base."

It was the fifth time since April that Obama has traveled to raise money for Democrats running for Congress in 2014.

In Chicago, about 70 people paid $10,000 per person or $32,400 per couple to attend dinner in the sculpture-filled apartment of Bettylu and Paul Saltzman, longtime Chicago Democratic activists and some of Obama's earliest political benefactors.

Obama told the group, which he described as "kind of an Obama cabal," that a Democratic-controlled House is key to achieving goals he views as his legacy, like curbing climate change and gun violence.

"My only interest is making sure that when I look back 20 years from now, I say, 'I accomplished everything that I could while I had this incredible privilege to advance the interests of the broadest number of Americans,'" he said.

But he admitted winning back the House won't be easy.

"This will be hard," he said, blaming "gerrymandering" or the redistricting process which many Democratic groups have said unfairly benefits Republicans.

First Lady Michelle Obama also spoke at two Democratic fundraisers on Wednesday in Manhattan.

"We need all of you to get engaged in every special election and every midterm election all across this country," she told donors who paid between $5,000 and $25,000 to attend a fundraiser in the Manhattan apartment of fashion designer Tory Burch.

"We need you to keep on writing those checks and, if you haven't maxed out, max out. Get your friends to max out," she said, referring to caps on donations set by U.S. election law.

At a Park Avenue gala with about 350 people who paid $1,250 to $32,400 to attend, the first lady was introduced by basketball player Jason Collins, who recently came out as the nation's first openly gay major professional sports player.

(Additional reporting by Steve Holland in Washington; Editing by Paul Simao)


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